Wavefield-Synthesis and SC Print

Marije Baalman, instructor.
Monday, September 20,   20-24h,
Location: WFS hall TU-Berlin
30 €
max. 16 participants
level: intermediate


TU Berlin’s lecture hall H104 is up to now the largest WFS system in the world and therefore this is a unique opportunity to give interested SuperColliderists an introduction to the technology and the system and to try it out themselves. The swonder software can easily be controlled via OSC from SuperCollider, and by using a running scsynth on the control host of the H104 WFS system, multiple participants will be able to create sound sources and move them around in space. Using the projection possibilities in H104 we can both display the current sound source locations as well as the code executed by various participants. 

The first hour of this four hour workshop will introduce Wave Field Synthesis and the system setup in H104, along with some simple demonstrations of how to control the system from SuperCollider. The remaining three hours, participants will be able to explore together possibilities of the system, by creating and controlling sound sources themselves. The experimentation and improvisation will be interspersed with discussions, reflecting on the impressions and results of playing around on the system. 

Participants should have some basic abilities in SuperCollider, like writing SynthDefs, instantiating Synths and have a basic understanding of the language