venue for tape and live electronics pieces and performances as well as installations
Kleiner und Großer Wasserspeicher Berlin Prenzlauer Berg Diedenhofer Straße 10405 Berlin Google Maps ->
(Kleiner Wasserspeicher: entry Diedenhoferstraße, Großer Wasserspeicher: entry Belforter Straße)
The Wasserspeicher ("water reservoirs") in Berlin Prenzlauer Berg are two water reservoirs which were constructed between 1852 and 1892 by the Berlin water works company. The system was already closed in 1914 for capacity reasons. For more than 90 years the buildings have been used and misused for various other purposes, but since the mid-ninetees it is a demanded space for arts, music, installations, theatre performances and others.
The SC symposium will organize in cooperation with singuhr e.V. two concerts in the Kleine Wasserspeicher, whereas in the Grosse Wasserspeicher works by students of the University of the Arts Berlin will be shown during the week.
The Kleine Wasserspeicher is a circular room (approx. 30 m diameter, 6 m height) with a circular "stage" (8 m diameter) in the middle. The room is divided by walls and arches into a 6-fold cellular structure. The Wasserspeicher are quite reverberant rooms: the Kleine Wasserspeicher has between more than 5 seconds (empty) and 3-4 seconds (fully occupied) reverb. Nevertheless, this room is suited for multi-channel computer music as well as for space related ensemble music and solo instruments with electronics due to its full sound and its large size. Musicians and performers can play on the inner stage or somewhere else in the room. There will be some 150 seats placed around the inner stage.
We will have a setup of 8 loudspeakers plus 2 subwoofers : (click for a hi-res image)

inside the Wasserspeicher: photo: Eisenlohr |