Jonas Hummel (Germany) is a Berlin-based media artist & engineer working in the field of documentary film and sound recording. He first started his studies with Political Science in 2002 and went on to pursue his music and media interests by studying sound and video engineering at the 'Institute For Music and Media', in Duesseldorf from 2004 on. There he has done works on various topics such as self-portrait (film, photo and object installation 2006), perspectives on failure und success (theatre piece and documentary film 2007), electronic music by fine arts artists in Duesseldorf (documentary 2008), global container trade in the port of Duisburg (four-Screen visual music clip 2009), experimental electronic sound & Africa (sounddesign for science-fiction film, work-in-progress).
[PB_UP] - a patchwork portrait (2010)
Many have claimed that ’The computer is the new folk guitar’; if this is so, then PB_UP is the first accoustic computer music folk band: The laptop is their only instrument. Jonas Hummel translated this approach into a documentary film installation and worked out an unusual portrait of this unusual band. On laptops and three projections surrounded by a capturing quadrophonic sound collage, the visitor of the installation walks amidst an interactive environment, which illuminates the creative processes and the musical communication of this contemporary ensemble. Nine multiscreen-videoclips show different perspectives on performances of the "acoustic computer band" PowerBooks_UnPlugged.