Thursday, 23.Sept., 22h, Ausland Concert 1 |
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Ruben Patiño -- 3.3.3 ----------------------------------------------------------
Venue: Ausland
Ruben Patiño (Spain) commission 3.3.3 (2010) is a multichannel audio-visual project born within the SuperCollider Users Group in Berlin, developed in large part at NK and finished as part of L´ull Cec residency at Hangar in Barcelona. 3.3.3 is an audiovisual performance based on Super Collider as an audiovisual tool. 3.3.3 explores the relationship in between sound spatialization and live visuals foregrounding the process of sound generation and the textual characteristics of Super Collider. 3.3.3 is a decorative approach towards Real Time Audio Synthesis, Speculative Sound Diffusion, Text Editing and Futile Visuals.
Scott Cazan (USA) & Jana Papenbroock (Germany) I Like Supercollider and Supercollider Likes Me is a performance piece exploring ritual acts through technology. Based off of Joseph Beuys' landmark piece, the performance will involve electronic feedback systems, video, and stage performers among other elements. Itaru Yasuda (Japan) complex composition is a generative audiovisual concert piece updated every presentation. The presentation is performed only by execution of a program. All sound and graphics are generated in real time by SuperCollider. No real time control (performance) by hand. It completely focuses on computational audiovisual composition. In this work, both sound and graphics are generated simultaneously with each frame according to same number calculated by a common numerical formula. It creates a new mathematical time axis and brings pure geometric perception to the viewer.
Roberto Garretón (Chile) From one place to another and the paths in between A solo performer playing electric guitar with extended techniques and using midi foot pedals to control live processing. The music goes from the extremes of gentle drone loops to aggressive noisy textures, reflecting a contradiction in the search of pleasure. The guitar and the processed sounds work together as an unity, making the whole setup to work as a single instrument. The live electronics are programmed with SuperCollider, 100%, and the length of the piece is about 10 minutes.
EVOL (Spain) commission Untitled, for Computer A performance for generative software. Dedicated to David Deutsch and Mike Dearborn. Key words: pattern formation, pattern emergence, gas, dynamic arrays, psychedelia, iteration, constructed languages, radical computer music, rave, slime.
13-8-2-10 2-14-11-11-8-13-18 (20-10) scryptogram This work pays tribute to some familiar names from the SuperCollider community, coding them into the fabric of the generative audio. Various mappings are explored, including the 26 notes per octave scale for an English alphabet. The cryptogram solutions are projected live as the piece unwinds, for your delectation.