Trutzschler von Falkenstein, Jan Print
Jan is a composer and media artist with an affinity to software design. His work often focuses on one material or subject, which he sets in different contexts and perspectives. He has been working, for instance, on a series about the apparatus and on one, which explores various sonic aspects of paper. His compositions, performances and installations have been performed and shown internationally and on various festivals.

In 2008 he founded TeaTracks, a company for mobile applications, which released Gliss, a tilt controlled
and performance oriented sequencer for the iPhone in 2009.
Since 2002 he has been an active SuperCollider (SC) developer, which resulted in many contributions to the software and the organisation of the second international SuperCollider Symposium in The Hague in 2007. He is giving SC workshops around the globe and contributed to the forthcoming SC book.
Currently he is comleting a PhD in Composition at the University of Birmingham. His activities have been supported by the Gaudeamus Foundation, the Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds and the Arts & Humanities Research Council.