Luque, Sergio |
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Sergio Luque (Mexico) is a composer of experimental classical and electroacoustic music. He is currently working towards a PhD in Composition with Jonty Harrison and Scott Wilson at the University of Birmingham, is an active member of BEAST (Birmingham ElectroAcoustic Sound Theatre) and is working on the development of Iannis Xenakis’s stochastic synthesis. In 2006, he received a Master's Degree with distinction in Sonology from the Royal Conservatory in The Hague, studying with Paul Berg and Kees Tazelaar. In 2004, he received a Master's Degree in Composition from the Conservatory of Rotterdam, studying with Klaas de Vries and René Uijlenhoet. His music has been performed in Europe, the Americas and Australia.
"Sex, Drugs and Rock ‘n Roll" was never meant to be like this (2008) In the late 1960s, Xenakis started his research on stochastic synthesis: a microscopic approach to sound synthesis that uses probability distributions to manipulate individual digital samples. My piece explores the expressive and timbral possibilities of an extension of Xenakis's techniques that I am developing in SC: the stochastic concatenation of dynamic stochastic synthesis. The piece is articulated by juxtaposing families of sounds; highlighting the “micro” and “macro” of musical sound. Stochastic Synthesis
For the last seven years, I have been researching Xenakis's stochastic synthesis techniques with the help of SuperCollider. I have developed different frameworks to be able to explore and extend various stochastic synthesis approaches. Most of these techniques are based on an extension of Xenakis’s dynamic stochastic synthesis algorithm (from 1991) that I am currently developing and using in my works: the stochastic concatenation of dynamic stochastic synthesis.