Rutz, Hanns Holger Print
Hanns Holger Rutz studied computer music and audio engineering at the TU Berlin, and worked as artistic assistant at the Studio for electroacoustic Music Weimar. Compositions include tape music, works with video, and collaborative works with theatre and dance. Recent focus is on sound installation and live improvisation, where the development of software algorithms plays an important role. Currently conducts a PhD at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Computer Music Research in Plymouth (UK).
Hanns Holger Rutz (Germany) studied computer music and audio engineering at the TU Berlin, and worked as artistic assistant at the Studio for electroacoustic Music Weimar. Compositions include tape music, works with video, and collaborative works with theatre and dance. Recent focus is on sound installation and live improvisation, where the development of software algorithms plays an important role. Currently conducts a PhD at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Computer Music Research in Plymouth (UK).


Hanns Holger Rutz (Germany) &
Nayarí Castillo (Venezuela / USA)

Dissemination (2010)

An audio-visual installation utilizing vertically and horizontally suspended glass plates. They function both as membranes of sound diffusion and as specimen holders for flying seeds, confined to a regular arrangement of petri dishes. The space is conditioned by filtering the daylight. Seeds refer both to their origin and to the potentiality of new live (or death). They symbolise motion or traveling. Dissemination as continuous re-writing, a structure of movement, rather than fulfillment. 


Dissemination and Temporality (talk)
Hanns Holger Rutz / Nayari Castillo

We discuss our installation «Dissemination», looking at its genesis and background. We first focus on Nayarí's research on migration and site-specific art. We will then discuss the sound composition, and ways to structurally represent generative pieces while composing them. We look closer at the SoundProcesses framework used, which allows to compose and interconnect such processes, and examine how the creation of the piece unfolded in time.


Rethinking the SuperCollider Client

ScalaCollider is a client for SuperCollider server in the Scala language. It encapsulates much of the expressiveness of SC-Lang, adding new unique expressiveness, type-safety, performance, and doing away with the split-up of SC-Lang (compiled classes, interpreted code, C primitives, GUI server). Being an experimentation field of how things could be done differently, ScalaCollider presents a multi-layered system and shows the possibilities and limitations of using a general-purpose language.